Sometimes other people write so well about a topic that there’s no need to recreate it! Thank you to my friend

Beth Wood

for sharing this and giving me permission to use her thoughts for this weeks Steeping Sunday! 🧡

I have found using “yoga breathing” really helps me when wearing a mask. I have often thought that part of mask resistance has been fear and we need to acknowledge the panic feeling that sometimes happens with shallow breathing when wearing a mask. I also sometimes get a weird feeling of isolation or disconnect from the world when wearing my mask. I think it is helpful to acknowledge those things. 😷

After many months of following recommended safety precautions, it’s no surprise that many of us are experiencing mask fatigue. Here are tips to help improve your mental health while also maintaining your commitment to limiting the spread of COVID-19.

1. Focus on breathing. Take longer, slower breaths while wearing a mask.
2. Take breathing breaks. In a safe space preferably outside, take your mask off and take two or three breaths using your belly.
3. Drink plenty of fluids. The nose is designed to take in moisture, but wearing a mask can make this hard leading to dehydration and fatigue. So drink up!
4. Relax. Take time to stretch your body. Do shoulder shrugs, arm circles, side-to-side bending, and other simple movements that don’t cause pain. ⬅ More masking tips and COVID-19 precautions