
Allowing Steeping Wellness to “Take the Wheel”

In the past year, we’ve been able to have some amazing conversations to guide us to what our clients really need from us.  What we’ve learned takes us to our newest offering: Kombucha.  The last thing we want to do is add to someone’s workload who is already overworked and stressed out.  The Kombucha package allows Steeping Wellness to take the wheel of the wellness program and we become the drivers.  We use survey data, input from district teams including administration and our experience to create a customized wellness plan.  From there, we send newsletters, organize offerings and lead wellness team meetings.  The package is completely customizable, based on the needs of the district.  Through this package, we’ve seen wellness programs that couldn’t get off the ground come alive, invigorating staff and students and encouraging them to live their best lives.  For more information or to schedule a meeting to discuss how this package can work for you, contact us.

“Thank you for the practical application ideas.  The information was very useful.  Great job!”

-April 2017, Waunakee, WI